Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Massacre

To show everyone that I am not a bitter Bettie, I will start my Valentine’s Blog with a story of my favorite Valentine’s Day. I really can’t be a bitter Bettie, because I have a wonderful life, friends and family that love me and a cutie pie 21 year old who sends me equally as cute valentine cards (ya he sent two can he be any cuter?)

A few years back I was in the first real relationship I had up to this point (sad cause I was 31). He was the most wonderful, caring, loving, boyfriend I had ever had. He took care of me when I got my nose done (I’m not going to lie and say I had a deviated septum, it was big and I didn’t like it) he surprised me with a trip to Vegas because he WANTED to meet my parents and they were there on vacation, he always took me and picked me up from the airport. On top of all that he actually liked to spend time with me (WHATT????) He was the bestest boyfriend ever! So when Valentine’s Day rolled around 5 months into our relationship, I knew it was going to be a goodie. It would also be the first Valentine’s Day where I wasn’t dating a complete loser so I was double excited about it.

***Disclaimer- my parents have given me a 2 pound box of See’s candy since I was born on top of a few Jr high and high school years when they gave me flowers too. They have made my Valentine’s Day awesome since the day I was born and all of my crap Valentine’s Day were carp boyfriends, not my parents***

About a week before Valentines Day he had told me that he wanted to make my Valentine’s Day super special because he knew all the ones before him were complete crap, so he had made plans and was going to surprise me night of (I know, awesome right?) I was excited! I couldn’t believe that I had finally hit the boyfriend jackpot and wondered what awesomeness he had in store for me. Then it happened, two days before Valentine’s Day he received a call from his brother that their dad was sick and he needed to come back to Chicago to help out and leave right away. Ahhhh are you kidding me? Can this really be happening to me? What horrible timing. Yes, I know super selfish, his Dad was dying and all I could think about was my first real Valentine’s Day. So within a few hours, he was off to Chicago and I was left with my crappy roommate (my last roommate had the personality of a wall).

So Valentine’s Day arrived and I went to work where I shared an office with 1 engaged chick (engaged people are so annoying especially on VD) and another chick who was practically engaged, lame-zies. They were both gushing about whatever they got from their men (both guys were complete douchebags) and what they had planned for that night, barf. Boyfriend called me that morning to wish me a happy Valentine’s Day and tell me he loved me blah blah blah, but I admit I was super bummed! Then at around noon, his best friend came into my place of work with a giant bouquet of flowers! He said that my boyfriend asked him to bring them to me. It was the sweetest most considerate thing anyone had ever done for me (minus the perfect childhood my parents gave me) and the fact that he was dealing with his father on his death bed, made it even more awesome. He came back a few nights later and we celebrated with dinner and other fun things. His Dad did end up passing away the day he came back to LA, boyfriend turned into a total freak from it, dumped me a few months later and proposed to his 22 year old girlfriend 2 months after we broke up.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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