Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mom Says...

I’ve realized recently that in order to have a dating blog, you should probably date. Unfortunately I’m never approached by men so that’s impossible. I have gone a record 10 months without a single date! Sometimes I feel like I have a “ghoulie mask” on and I’m actually stuck in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Like the one where you think the lady is pretty and she’s in the hospital for surgery and then you find out she lives on a planet where everyone has pig noses. In my mind I’m not that bad, but to the outside world I could be “ghoulie mask girl”! I’ve piled together reasons why my mother thinks I’m single (minus ghoulie mask). I call this game “Mom says” yeah I know, clever. It’s fun and you should play this at home with participating parents.

Mom says- I work too much: As much as I love this *cough excuse* um reason, here’s how I can debunk it. DOESN’T EVERYONE WORK TOO MUCH???? Yeah almost everyone I know has very limited time because they work more than 40 hours a week at a high demanding stressful job or have families and jobs to attend too, or have like three jobs!!! I’m not the only one in Los Angeles with a career. I actually noticed in a meeting the other day with my fellow managers (side note: it was me and eight men, yeah.) that all of them are married. Yup, that’s right. Every. Single. One. Married! Ranging from the ages of 28-50 (maybe even older but I’ll be nice). They all managed to find time in between their “high stress” positions to meet someone special, date, get on one knee and propose. A few of them are even on the baby train, so they’ve also found time to reproduce. We all work a lot; America has turned into the all work and no play country. Employers expect their employees to be in the office for 9 hours, leave to go network until 10:00pm all the while available through email. It’s exhausting just thinking about it. But people do it and all the while date, get married and reproduce. I would like to think that I have actually created an awesome balance between work and friends; I even pride myself on it. My relationships (and beer) are very important to me and I would never let something like my job get in the way of them. I’m also lucky enough to have a boss that doesn’t expect me to live and breathe my job. But even if I worked a million hours a week (I’m pretty close), believe you me, if I were to meet a cutie-pie I would totally find time to go on a date with him.

Mom says- I’m too independent: Um, okay. When is a woman being too independent a crappy thing? So what this says to me is that guys actually like to date the super needy, naggy, annoying chicks? I beg to differ, and this is because I know a lot of ladies that are in relationships and they are totally not needy, naggy or annoying (or I wouldn’t hang out with them duh). Why would a guy NOT want to date someone that doesn’t care (and actually encourages) them to hang out with their friends, doesn’t text every second of the day (because hello I have a job), doesn’t want them to spend the night every single night (I like to sleep in the middle of my bed, alone thank you very much) and hates cuddling!!?? I don’t think so.
Mom says-I’m too picky: This is a little hard to understand just because she also tells me to never settle. Okay, which is it lady? And besides I wear a bicycle sweatshirt for God sakes, how picky can I be? With all of these “reasons” though, she also thinks that I live an awesome life of singleton and should enjoy it as long as I can. So there, mom says.

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