Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just Be Cool, Okay?

I’m going to take a brief turn from my normal entry of calling out the opposite sex for being lame and turn on my own sex for a second.

I have one really huge pet peeve that has developed in the last few years. I don’t know what changed, because I don’t remember it being this bad a few years back or maybe I was too drunk to care, but when in the world did women become so rude to each other? I mean, I’m not one of the friendliest people you will ever meet, but I’m not a raging bitch to people for no reason. I’m usually really nice until you give me a reason to hate you. But being in line that’s 10 women deep waiting for a restroom in a downtown bar that has only one stall (obviously planned out by a man, idiot) I don’t know why all the women waiting need to be such bitches to each other. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not expecting to meet my new best friend in line (I have plenty) but at least I don’t need chicks standing almost on top of me, digging into my back with their purse while they have total disregard for me as a person and just stare at me like I’m a piece of dirt on their stiletto. Who the crap are you? Why do you look at me like you are so much better than I am just because you are wearing a trendier outfit that I am? To quote Mr. Rodney King or whomever said this during the trial or riots or whatever; can’t we all just get along? And just be somewhat civil to each other? We all go to the same bars, shop at the same stores, and get hit on (or in my case not) by all the same guys. I would kind of understand the rudeness if I decided to go to a lame-o Hollywood club where I know I have nothing in common with any of the barley dressed um, “ladies” but come on, if I’m at a bar (or dive bar because I love me those too) that’s pretty cool at the moment, and I’m surrounded by women that I kind of have the same style as, or I’m looking at their outfits wondering where they got that shirt or really cute dress or thinking, “Gosh, I love her hair, if I were to cut it I would cut it like that” you know that we all might have a few things in common and there is no need to be such bitches to one another. Life is hard enough, and there’s so much crap in this world. Can we all just make a pack to just not add to the flinging of crap and all JUST BE COOL, okay??

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