Friday, January 13, 2012

Who IS the Right Guy Anyway?

It was brought to my attention the other night over happy hour (my favorite hour) by a good friend that I choose the wrong men *GASP*!

Conversation started with me mentioning (or solidifying) that I have the hots for a 21 year old. Which is total common knowledge (and totally encouraged) by my girlfriends (or as I like to refer them as my bitches), my roommate and even some coworkers (the awesome ones). So I was completely taken aback when someone I know and love did not only NOT like this choice of man but also had the nerve to tell me about it! I mean, come on! Friends are supposed to take your decisions, nod and smile and then agree with them even if they think it’s the worst idea they ever heard and know you're completely sabotaging everything you believe in just because someone is hot (hey-o super hot). Friends do not call you out on what they actually think of your dating pattern. Than nobody would ever date anyone.

Yes, the relationships I’ve had up to this point have obviously not worked out, but to say that all the men I have previously dated sucked and were all wrong is just a bit harsh. I mean, who doesn’t date the wrong man? Aren’t they all wrong until you meet the right one who you marry? Are they wrong if half of them were actually really good relationships until something went terribly wrong and it ended?

I have learned from the last two boyfriends something about myself that has helped me with my life now. The last two (see a pattern? Out of the four boyfriends I’ve had the last two were the best the first two sucked) showed me something in their own way either by treating me really well (one of them) or making me laugh, a lot and teaching me to relax more (the other one). I mean, wouldn’t every man be considered the right man because they all have a purpose in your life and make you learn things about yourself that you carry forever and use in future relationships to make you a better partner? So wouldn't that that just make the guy you do marry the “one you are dating at the time you decide it was time to settle down cause your clock is ticking super loud?” guy? Lucky for me I’m not at that point in my life (the stories of my nieces from my sister actually drowned out the ticking), so I can carry on with a hot 21 year old.

Lessons learned in is blog: I like a hot 21 year old, and I like the use of parentheses

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